嗨嗨,我愛 pybind11
Introduction 最近工作上用 pybind11 來接自己包出來會 Link 到 TensorFlow 的
C++ Library。覺得相當好用寫起來又乾淨,還可以傳入傳出 NumPy 的 ndarray,
另外也使用 Python 的 unittest 工具來寫許多的測試,
通常跑 unittest 的時候,除非要看特定跑過哪些項目,
1 2 3 4 5 6 $ make tests .......s........... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 19 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=1)
通常在可以控制的範圍下,都是沒問題的,像是有些 Warnings 只要修一下,
1 2 3 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore" , category=PendingDeprecationWarning) import np.tools.tflite_runner
不過如剛剛有提到,有些其實是呼叫到別人的 Library ,
尤其是一些提示錯誤的訊息像是檔案找不到之類的,本來就會想要從 stderr 印出來,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 python tests/mock_stdout_tests.py TestFooBarStdout.test_print_printf TestFooBarStdout.test_print_fprintf_stdout printf : [test_print_printf].fprintf_stdout: [test_print_fprintf_stdout] . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s OK
所以這篇會以 Python unittest 的角度,分別將 Python 的 print,C++ 的
cout/cerr 以及 C 的 printf/fprintf 的結果導走,不讓這些訊息影響到測試的結果。
print in Python with unittest.mock unittest.mock 是個可以在 Python 的 unittest 環境下,
sys.stdout 就可以將 print() 的訊息截斷並拉回來,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 class TestStdout (unittest.TestCase ): @unittest.skip('skip due to annoying stdout print' ) def test_print_stdout (self ): print('test_print_stdout' ) @unittest.skip('skip due to annoying stderr print' ) def test_print_stderr (self ): print('test_print_stderr' , file=sys.stderr) class TestMockStdout (unittest.TestCase ): @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout' , new_callable=io.StringIO ) def test_print_mock_stdout (self, mock_stdout ): print('test_print_mock_stdout' ) @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stderr' , new_callable=io.StringIO ) def test_print_mock_stderr (self, mock_stderr ): print('test_print_mock_stderr' , file=sys.stderr)
如上面的測試項目,test_print_mock_stderr 就不會像 test_print_stderr
一樣印出訊息,因為被 mock_stderr 給接過來了。如果都是純的Python 程式,
cout/cerr in C++ with py::scoped_estream_redirect in pybind11 python module with cout 不過要是底下有些 python 的 module 是用 C++ 接的,然後呼叫
std::cout/std::cerr 印出訊息,上面的方法還不夠,為了驗證首先就用
pybind11 寫一個簡單的 module ,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/iostream.h> namespace py = pybind11;PYBIND11_MODULE(print, m) { m.attr("__name__" ) = "foo.bar.print" ; m.def("cout" , [](const char * str) { std ::cout << "cout: [" << str << "]" << std ::endl ; }); }
也寫個 unittest 來測試一下,結果還真的 mock 不起來,
所以把它 skip 掉了。
1 2 3 4 5 6 class TestFooBarMockStdout (unittest.TestCase ): @unittest.skip('skip due to annoying stdout cout even mocked' ) @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout' , new_callable=io.StringIO ) def test_print_mock_cout (self, mock_stdout ): foo.bar.print .cout('test_print_mock_cout' )
py::scoped_ostream_redirect in pybind11 其實 pybind11 的 Capturing standard output from ostream ,
Often, a library will use the streams std::cout and std::cerr to print,
but this does not play well with Python’s standard sys.stdout and sys.stderr
Replacing a library’s printing with py::print may not be feasible.
所以 pybind11 也有提供 py::scoped_ostream_redirect 的方法,
將 std::cout 重導到 Python 的 sys.stdout 去,用
Capturing standard output from ostream ,改寫上面的範例,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/iostream.h> namespace py = pybind11;PYBIND11_MODULE(print, m) { m.attr("__name__" ) = "foo.bar.print" ; m.def("cout" , [](const char * str) { std ::cout << "cout: [" << str << "]" << std ::endl ; }) .def("cout_redirect" , [](const char * str) { std ::cout << "cout redirect: [" << str << "]" << std ::endl ; }, py::call_guard<py::scoped_ostream_redirect, py::scoped_estream_redirect>()); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 class TestFooBarMockStdout (unittest.TestCase ): @unittest.skip('skip due to annoying stdout cout even mocked' ) @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout' , new_callable=io.StringIO ) def test_print_mock_cout (self, mock_stdout ): foo.bar.print .cout('test_print_mock_cout' ) @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout' , new_callable=io.StringIO ) def test_print_mock_cout_redirect (self, mock_stdout ): foo.bar.print .cout_redirect('test_print_mock_cout_redirect' )
呼叫有被 guard 的 cout_redirect ,就可以順利地被 mock_stdout 接走了,
當然如果沒有使用 unittest.mock **,訊息一樣是會顯示在 **sys.stdout 上。
printf/fprintf in C with os.dup/os.dup2 但如果不是使用 std::cout/std::cerr ,而是使用 printf 或 fprintf
的話,py::scoped_ostream_redirect 也沒有辦法
Capturing standard output from ostream 也有說明,
The above methods will not redirect C-level output to file descriptors, such as fprintf.
For those cases, you’ll need to redirect the file descriptors either directly in C or with Python’s os.dup2 function in an operating-system dependent way.
建議可以使用 os.dup2 自己接走。
既然如此就自己來實作 > /dev/null
2> /dev/null
也可以達到不影響 unittest 結果顯示。首先還是來準備一下用 fprint() 的
Module ,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/iostream.h> namespace py = pybind11;PYBIND11_MODULE(print, m) { m.attr("__name__" ) = "foo.bar.print" ; m.def("printf" , [](const char * str){ printf ("printf: [%s]\n" , str); }) .def("fprintf_stdout" , [](const char * str) { fprintf (stdout , "fprintf_stdout: [%s]\n" , str); }) .def("fprintf_stderr" , [](const char * str) { fprintf (stderr , "fprintf_stderr: [%s]\n" , str); }) .def("fflush_stdout" , []() { fflush(stdout ); }) .def("fflush_stderr" , []() { fflush(stderr ); }); }
果然即便是用了 unittest.mock ,還是沒辦法擷取到,只好 unittest.skip 。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 class TestFooBarMockStdout (unittest.TestCase ): @unittest.skip('skip due to annoying stdout printf even mocked' ) @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout' , new_callable=io.StringIO ) def test_print_mock_printf (self, mock_stdout ): foo.bar.print .printf('test_print_mock_printf' ) @unittest.skip('skip due to annoying stdout fprintf even mocked' ) @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout' , new_callable=io.StringIO ) def test_print_mock_fprintf_stdout (self, mock_stdout ): foo.bar.print .fprintf_stdout('test_print_mock_fprintf_stdout' )
所以來開個 /dev/null 用 os.dup/os.dup2 自己做重導吧,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 class TestFooBarStdout (unittest.TestCase ): @unittest.skip('skip due to annoying stdout cout at the end' ) def test_dup2_print_printf (self ): with open (os.devnull, 'w' ) as null: _dup = os.dup(1 ) os.dup2(null.fileno(), 1 ) foo.bar.print .printf('test_dup2_print_printf' ) null.flush() os.dup2(_dup, 1 )
不過這樣還是有點問題,因為導到 /dev/null 的 stdout ,
因為這時候為了其他正常的顯示需要,會將 stdout 接回來,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 $ python tests/mock_stdout_tests.py TestFooBarStdout.test_print_fprintf_stdout fprintf_stdout: [test_print_fprintf_stdout] . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK $ python tests/mock_stdout_tests.py TestFooBarStdout.test_dup2_print_fprintf_stdout . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK fprintf_stdout: [test_dup2_print_fprintf_stdout]
這時候可以利用之前加的 fflush_stdout()/fflush_stderr()**,
在切換 **stdout/stderr 的時候強制刷一下,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 class TestFooBarStdout (unittest.TestCase ): def test_dup2_print_printf_and_fflush_stdout (self ): with open (os.devnull, 'w' ) as null: _dup = os.dup(1 ) os.dup2(null.fileno(), 1 ) foo.bar.print .printf('test_dup2_print_printf_and_fflush_stdout' ) foo.bar.print .fflush_stdout() null.flush() os.dup2(_dup, 1 ) def test_dup2_print_fprintf_stdout_and_fflush_stdout (self ): with open (os.devnull, 'w' ) as null: _dup = os.dup(1 ) os.dup2(null.fileno(), 1 ) foo.bar.print .fprintf_stdout('test_dup2_print_fprintf_stdout_and_fflush_stdout' ) foo.bar.print .fflush_stdout() null.flush() os.dup2(_dup, 1 ) def test_dup2_print_fprintf_stderr_and_fflush_stderr (self ): with open (os.devnull, 'w' ) as null: _dup = os.dup(2 ) os.dup2(null.fileno(), 2 ) foo.bar.print .fprintf_stderr('test_dup2_print_fprintf_stderr_and_fflush_stderr' ) foo.bar.print .fflush_stderr() null.flush() os.dup2(_dup, 2 )
如此一來就可以達到濾掉 printf()/fprintf() 的訊息,不會影響到結果顯示了。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 $ python tests/mock_stdout_tests.py TestFooBarStdout.test_dup2_print_printf_and_fflush_stdout . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK $ python tests/mock_stdout_tests.py TestFooBarStdout.test_dup2_print_fprintf_stdout_and_fflush_stdout . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK $ python tests/mock_stdout_tests.py TestFooBarStdout.test_dup2_print_fprintf_stderr_and_fflush_stderr . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s OK